Volunteer at ZoeCare

We can't do what we do without the dedication of our volunteers. Here are some areas we could use volunteers. To sign up, please fill out the form below.


Patient Advocate

Time commitment: 4 hours/week for 1 year (consistent)
Each pregnancy patient that comes into ZoeCare meets with the nurse and a patient advocate, a trained volunteer that serves the patient by helping to meet her emotional and spiritual needs. This is a vital position that supports, strengthens and comforts people. Training is required and performed on the ZoeCare premises. For more information on the role of Patient Advocate, visit our Programs page.

Church Liaison

Time commitment: 2-3 hours/month for 1 year (consistent)
ZoeCare is effective as we are connected to the extended Body of Christ. A Church Liaison is a person in a local Christian church who acts as ZoeCare's main contact to keep us in the loop with what's happening in their fellowship and coordinates with the church leadership and ZoeCare regarding opportunities for us to promote the services and ministry of ZoeCare.

Mom2Mom Mentor

Time commitment: 1 hour/week for 3 months (periodic)
Interested in meeting with expectant moms and equipping them to be good mothers? Mom2Mom is ZoeCare's motherhood mentoring program, centered on a video curriculum called BrightCourse, an in-depth training for new moms on the ins and outs of motherhood. For more information on the program visit the Mom2Mom page.

beingDAD Mentor

Time commitment: 1 hour/week for 3 months (periodic)
If you are a father interested in giving your time to help a younger dad learn the ropes of fatherhood, consider becoming a mentor in the beingDAD progrm. This is a growing essential ministry that empowers expecting dads to be involved, good fathers. For more information on the program, visit the Fathers Initiative page.

45North Presenter

Time commitment: 5 - 10 hours/week for 1 or 2 weeks (periodic)
45North is our relational training that ZoeCare takes into the public middle schools and church youth groups. We are always on the lookout for skilled communicators to present the material to youth in our community. Presentations are usually done in the spring during the day. Full training is provided. For more information, please visit the 45North page or the 45North website. (We are currently also hiring a part-time 45North Coordinator to help promote and facilitate this training in schools and churches.)


Time commitment: variable/week for 1 year (consistent or periodic)
Do you have a few hours per week to help out around the office with administrative work? Our need for administrative volunteers varies from month to month. Here are a few areas for which we often have needs:

  • Data entry
  • Mailings
  • Clerical
  • Letter writing
  • Grant writing
  • Cleaning
  • Specific programatic needs
  • Other

Please let us know when you can help out and if you'd like a regular time to help in the office or on an as-needed basis.

Special Events

Time commitment: variable/week for 1 year (periodic)
Each year ZoeCare puts on a variety of events, such as the Baby Bottle Campaign (generally done in the spring) and our Annual Fundraising Banquet in the fall. If you can help out on an on-call basis, we'll put you to work.


Time commitment: variable/week for 1 year (consistent)
ZoeCare relies on consistent, dedicated prayer support. If you would like to be put on our prayer list to receive prayer updates and requests, please let us know. Our prayer requests are put out via email periodically.


Volunteer sign-up

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Church Liaison in your church. Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly. To learn more about Meals4Moms, please visit our Meals4Moms page.

You are under no obligation as a result of filling out this form.

Download Volunteer Packet


2251 W. Kagy Blvd. #2
Bozeman, MT 59718